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Among the Bros: A Fraternity Crime StoryAmong the Bros: A Fraternity Crime Story

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Book Descriptions :

A brilliant young investigative journalist traces a murder and a multi-million-dollar drug ring, leading to an unprecedented look at elite American fraternity life. When Max Marshall arrived on the campus of the College of Charleston in 2018, he hoped to investigate a small-time fraternity Xanax trafficking ring. Instead, he found a homicide, several student deaths, and millions of dollars circulating around the Deep South. He also opened up an elite world hidden to outsiders. Behind the pop culture cliches of ?Greek life? lies one of the major breeding grounds of American 80 percent of Fortune 500 executives, 85 percent of Supreme Court justices, and all but four presidents since 1825 have been fraternity members. With unprecedented immersion, this book takes readers inside that bubble. Under the live oaks and Spanish moss of Travel + Leisure ?s ?Most Beautiful Campus in America,? Marshall traces several ?C of C? boys? journeys from fraternity pledges to interstate drug traffickers. .

Book Details :

Author : Max Marshall

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 70240470-among-the-bros

ISBN-13 : 9780063099555


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