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This Day Changes EverythingThis Day Changes Everything

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Book Descriptions :

Dash & Lily meets Ferris Bueller's Day Off in Edward Underhill's new whirlwind rom-com about two queer teens who spend one life-changing day together in New York City.Abby Akerman believes in the Universe. After all, her Midwest high school marching band is about to perform in the Macy?s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City?if that?s not proof that magical things can happen, what is? New York also happens to be the setting of her favorite romance novel, making it the perfect place for Abby to finally tell her best friend Kat that she?s in love with her (and, um, gay). She?s carefully annotated a copy of the book as a gift for Kat, and she?s counting on the Universe to provide an Epic Scene worthy of her own rom-com.Leo Brewer, on the other hand, just wants to get through this trip without falling apart. He doesn?t believe the Universe is magical at all, mostly because he?s about to be outed to his very Southern extended family on national TV as the trans boy he really is. .

Book Details :

Author : Edward Underhill

Pages : 288 pages

Publisher : Wednesday Books

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 139977919-this-day-changes-everything

ISBN-13 : 9781250835222


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